Gut Health

January 8, 2020

Hello my beauties,

Gut Health has been so important to me lately. As many of you know, I have so many gut issues and have been very conscious of researching ways I can take care of my gut. Gut health is so essential in our everyday life; it affects mental health, digestion, mood, skin, weight, hormones, even hair. The primary function of your gut is digesting your food and delivering nutrients and energy to your body. When your gut isn’t working, you (like me ) probably experience bloating, weight gain, cystic acne, abdominal pain, headaches, and brain fogginess. Things like stress, cortisol levels, your environment, diet, chemicals, additives from food,  and medication effect and can disturb our gut. Obvi TMI, but the best way to tell your gut health is to monitor your bowel movements.


I’ve been listening to a lot of Indrid De La Mare Kenny and Dr. Michelle from The Food Effect Diet, and they both say that gut health is primarily affected by diet.

Best things to eat and do for gut health

Inulin- Inulin is a prebiotic fiber. Inulin can be found in asparagus, garlic, onion, artichoke, chicory root, and sweet potato. I use the Inulin by Simply Gangster Chic because it is finely milled pure Jerusalem artichoke. Click HERE to check it out!

Raw Cheese

Fermented food like kimchi,sauerkraut, lebne, and miso

Kefir yogurt/kefir soda

Sleep (6-8 hours)

Veggies (lightly cooked/steamed)

Berries and high fiber fruits

Healthy Fats like olive oil, avocado, salmon, tuna, and fresh nuts

Eating Local and organic

Low impact workouts that help balance out cortisol levels

I’ve been implementing a lot of these tips, and guys, I’ve seen and felt so much of a difference in my gut, digestion, skin and mood.

Do you have any Gut Health tips? let me know below!

Beauty Starts Within and Within You Are Beautiful!




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