Dry brush yo Skin

January 5, 2016

Happy New Year Everyone!!

It’s been I while since I blogged, these last couple months have been insane! But I am back just in time for Skincare Tuesday!

Let’s talk Dry Brushing

2016-01-05 15.10.33

I have been obsessed with dry brushing for the last couple of months and what a difference it has made for me. I first heard about dry brushing from a friend and since then, I have done my research, tried it for myself, and was in love.

Lets look at the facts: according to Mindbodygreen “Your skin, the largest organ in the human body is an organ of elimination. One third of your body’s toxins are excreted through the skin and dry brushing helps to unclog pores and excrete toxins that become trapped in the skin”

Benefits of dry brushing include: (from Mindbodygreen)

1. Exfoliate – Hello sexy silky smooth skin all year around

2. It stimulates your lymphatic system- “Dry brushing your skin will kick start your lymphatic system, which helps you remove toxins from the body. The stiffer the bristles on the brush, the better the lymphatic stimulation you’ll create.”

3. Dry brushing helps to reduce cellulite. (YAY) “Cellulite is simply toxic materials that have accumulated in your body’s fat cells and are trapped, unable to be eliminated from the body. Dry skin brushing helps to break down any trapped toxins from within the body and help your body eliminate them through its usual elimination channels.” <  this is awesome! Buh-bye cellulite creams and cellulite in general.

4. It unclogs pores and de-congests skin -“Dry skin brushing unclogs your skins pores and helps your skin absorb more nutrients. Daily skin brushing promotes healthy, breathing skin.”< Yes, yes, and yesss!!!

Cool stuff, right?!

So how to do it? Exact instructions from Mindbodygreen.

1. Start on dry skin before bathing.

2.Work in gentle circular, upward motions, then longer, smoother strokes.
Always begin at the ankles in upwards movements towards the heart – the lymphatic fluid flows through the body towards the heart, so it’s important that you brush in the same direction.

3.Your back is the only exception to the preceding rule; brush from the neck down to the lower back.

4. After you’ve finished with the ankles, move up to the lower legs, thighs, stomach, back and arms. Be cautious of softer and sensitive skin around the chest and breasts, and never brush over inflamed skin, sores, sun-burnt skin, or skin cancer.

After you are finished, rub on a moisturizing oil like Almond, Coconut, Grapeseed, Avocado,  or Rosehip oil and then shower, starting off with cold water and moving on to your desired temperature.

Seriously this routine is amazing, you’ll feel invigorated as if you just stepped out of the spa.

I hope you enjoyed this post! Any questions, comments, or suggestions, let me know below.

Stay Beautiful,

J <3

2 responses to “Dry brush yo Skin”

  1. Good call on getting info out about dry brushing. A great reminder, especially this time of year. It makes such a difference in how I feel!

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