Ipsy October 2015

October 15, 2015

Hey everyone, we are back with another Ipsy Bag review.


Ipsy is monthly subscription beauty bag. Every month you receive 5 products and a glam bag for $10. If you are interested, click HERE

This month’s theme is Alter Ego, so the bag it self has two sides. The first is the gold (pictured above) the other side is patent black


On to the products…

First up is the Dr. Brandt Microdermabrasion Skin Exfoliant.  I typically like all of Dr. Brandt’s products and I love exfoliators .So this product is a win for me.



Second  is the item that I was most excited about  is The Balm’s new liquid lipstick “Meet Matt(e) Hughes in the color Committed. I saw so many gurus on Youtube  raving about this product, I was so excited to try it. This color is so beautiful, a very neutral  pink that is very flattering on my skin.


The formula is on another level it might be my favorite formula maybe  .::maybe::. surpassing my beloved Kat Von D liquid lips. Yes it is that good. Vey comfortable on the lips and not sticky or stiff.  And completely kiss-proof …. I checked. LOL!

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PURE VANILLA DELUXE MINI ROLLER BALL. This smelled amazing… so warm and comforting,  a very good option to add to wrists and neck.

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This is the Mica Beauty Cosmetics. This item is an Ipsy exclusive, which is cool. I love this color, it is so beautiful. The product felt a little stiff when swatching but once it was on … IT STAYED ON!

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Last is this Emite Makeup tweezers. So, I have like 3 Tweezermans that are my holy grail in tweezers so I do not really have a need for this… but that is not to say it is not a good tweezer. It was an overall great item.

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So I really liked this month’s Ipsy Bag, I liked all of the products which is very rare for me.  It was definitely better than last month’s.

Did you get this month’s Ipsy bag? What did you think? Let me know below!

Stay beautiful friends,

J <3

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