Mani Monday – Perennial Chic

May 11, 2015

I am back from Chicago!  Yay!! I will have a post all about my Chi-town experience on Wednesday. But let’s get down to Mani Monday.

Today’s Mani is Perennial Chic by Essie

2015-04-27 13.55.33

This has been my go to color for a couple weeks nows because it is just perfect. A beautiful blend of peach and beige like a muted peach. Ahhhh just love it. It is the perfect color for spring/ summer.

2015-04-27 13.56.12

In sunlight! LOVE

2015-04-27 13.51.54

Indoor <3 !!


A seriously beautiful color!

I hope this post was enjoyed, Any questions or comments, let me know below.

Stay Beautiful,

J <3



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