SkinCare Tueday: DIY facials

March 24, 2015

Hello Everybody!

Happy Tuesday! Lets talk about facials. Facials are amazing, so relaxing and the perfect 1 hr getaway. Buut, being a mommy and super busy; it is very challenging to schedule a good time to get a facial plus it is super costly.  So, I started doing little mini DIY Facials/ masks at home (while the little one is down for her nap) and I am loving it.

Obvi, you start with a  freshly cleansed face- Click HERE for my favorite cleanser.

Then make your mask:

Here are some of my favorite ingredients that are probably in your kitchen right now.

1. Raw Unfiltered Honey

Honey is amazing for your skin. It is super moisturizing. It is a natural humectant, which means it draws out moisture from the air  into you skin. It is naturally antibacterial and the enzymes that it contains is great for clarifying the skin and keeping pores clean yet still being super gentle and anti-inflammatory. A win for anyone with sensitive skin. And. if you keep it stored in a dry cool place, it can last indefinitely. WIN for the pockets!

This is my favorite kind.

2015-03-24 09.54.45

2. Sugar

Sugar is a great natural and gentle exfoliator. It doesn’t irritate the skin as many exfoliants do.  Gently massaging sugar into your skin helps sloth off dead skin cells, rough patches, and enhances blood circulation. That is awesome for cell regeneration and increasing collagen production. I use white or brown sugar- whatever is available.

3. Lemon

Lemon is an amazing brightener for the skin. They are high in vitamin c and citric acid which is great for brightening and clarifying skin. It is awesome for toning skin. It is antibacterial  which helps with acne and breakouts.

**Make sure to wear sunscreen during the day while using any AHAs, or vitamin C- as they make your skin sensitive to the sun.

4. Avocado

Avocado is the perfect fruit and great for moisturizing skin and combatting redness.

5. Turmeric/Cinnamon

Turmeric is a really effective ingredient to add to DIY masks if you are fighting acne or breakouts. It has “antiseptic and antibacterial properties which fight pimples and breakouts to provide a youthful glow to your skin. Turmeric face mask not only helps to clear acne scars and inflammation but also reduces oil secretion by sebaceous glands.” (yahoo lifestyle)          So that is pretty awesome. *be careful- do not add more than 1/4 of a teaspoon to many mixture as it can turn your skin yellow. <<EEEKK

Cinnamon is an antibacterial again awesome for breakouts and inflammation. I use this interchangeably with Turmeric.

6. Aspirin

Aspirin is another great ingredient to add to any mask to fight acne and breakouts.< Can you guess what my major skin  issues are. ugh freaken pimples!

7. Apple  Cider Vinegar (ACV)

ACV is a really amazing ingredient for toning your skin and  restoring your skin’s PH balance. It is gentle and does not strip your skin of its moisture.


Here are a few of my favorite concoctions (found on Pinterest, youtube, and plain experimenting) :

1. Honey, lemon, and sugar

2.Honey, Turmeric,  Aspirin, and Lemon

3. Honey, ACV, and Avocado

4.  Sugar, water, and ACV

5. Honey, Avocado, and lemon

Hope you guys enjoyed reading this.

Any questions, comments, or favorite concoctions- please comment below!

Stay beautiful!

J <3

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