Let Me Introduce Myself

November 5, 2014


I figured since I am going to be blogging for full time now, I should formally introduce myself. I am a fashion freak and a legit beauty addict with a slight obsession with junk food. The thing I love most  about beauty products  is that they are never the wrong size and will never make you look fat. HA! Seriously, beauty products tend to add a new spring to your step.

I am the true definition of a wallflower; a shy, quiet girl who is secretly awesome<not really but just go with it. I am slightly crazy obsessed with ANYTHING shiny or sparkly. I’m a health nut(which contradicts my love for junk food, I know), I truly believe clean eating is the only way to go.

I am excited to grow my blog. I have been wanting to blog forever. I spent years reading about various subjects and testing out products but I kept postponing the actual start of the blog until now. I figured there is no time better than the present. If I don’t do it now I will never get to it. Isn’t  funny how we are always “too busy” to follow our dreams? Well, here I am following my dreams and writing. I love writing and hope you enjoy the blog posts.


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J <3

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